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OCCASION / Jaguar 120 Open-Top-Speedster (OTS)

N° de référence Moniteur : 10034335

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Vendeur professionnel
Rock 'n Roll Classics
Lieu Gistelsteenweg 4
8490 Varsenare (Brugge)
Tel. +32 50 737571
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Voici quelques conseils pour éviter de se faire piéger lors de la recherche et fuir l'escroquerie.
Caractéristiques générales
Marque Jaguar
Modèle XK
T.V.A récupérable Non
Détails du véhicule
Carburant Essence
Nombre de vitesses 4
Nbre de places 2
Nbre de portes 2
Sous garantie 60
Equipement et Options
Sièges en cuir
Toit ouvrant
Suspension sport
Données techniques
Cylindrée (cm3) 3442 cc
Nbre de cylindres 6
Kw / Ch 118 / 160
Pas de certificat renseigné !
En savoir plus

  • Original engine & Moss gearbox
  • Upgraded suspension
  • Unique older restauration

The Jaguar XK120, a British icon, was created in 1948 through the great success of Jaguar's concept study, which was shown at the British International Motor Show in 1948. The Jaguar XK120 was the fastest production car in the world at the time and reached speeds of no less than 192 km/h (). This Jaguar XK proudly takes its name from this record, where 120’ stands for 120mp/h or 192 km/h.

Offered here you see a stylish, yet sporty '50 Jaguar XK120 OTS roadster. This car wears the beautiful colour combination Cream’ white body with Biscuit’ brown leather interior and a Sand’ brown soft top. What makes this XK120 very elegant are the nowadays hard to find full disc wheels’, that partially disappear behind the spats’ (closed wheel arches) at the rear of this magnificent vehicle. Together with the split window, this creates a striking appearance, a true style icon But appearances are deceptive, even though this Jaguar looks like it has won several beauty competitions, the sporty aspect is certainly not lacking here.

This XK120 from 1950 is one of the earliest steel-bodied XKs which makes it very interesting for the RT riders among us. It goes without saying that this early copy is eligible for both the Mille Miglia and all other major events worldwide.

This Jaguar underwent an older quality restoration, which means that the car is not only in excellent technical condition today, but also has a beautiful patina. Under the hood is the well known, very well-running and sounding XK engine, with original SU carburettors. The original and buttery smooth Moss gearbox is, of course, also included. This car is in excellent condition, both top and bottom, inside and out, and the original brake drums all around are assisted by the upgraded suspension with adjustable gas dampers.

Ready to hit the road

This beautiful Jaguar XK120 is now available at Rock N Roll Classics

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